10 Corporate Finance Podcasts Worth Listening to in 2022

10 Corporate Finance Podcasts Worth Listening to in 2022

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the number of available podcasts these days. As of 2021, there were 850,000 active podcasts with more than 48 million episodes. Assuming an average length of 30 minutes per episode, it would take 2,737 years non-stop to listen to all of them.

With so many possible podcasts to listen to, the average person simply doesn’t have time to endlessly sample episodes to find ones they like. This holds especially true in the ever-busy world of corporate finance.

Not to worry, though. We’ve assembled a list of some good corporate finance podcasts, with some tips at the end on how to find the right one. Join us as we explore the world of corporate finance podcasts.

10 Corporate Finance Podcasts to Consider

1. Leaders of Modern Finance

Some of the best podcasts, like other forms of media, give people something for their time and leave them better off than when they started. So it is with Stampli’s flagship podcast, which launched in 2021 and caters to an audience of CFOs, controllers, and other professionals in the financial industry.

Those who tune in can hear rich discussions, generally lasting anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes on everything from corporate finance trends to accounts payable technology to career paths. It all comes courtesy of Stampli, one of the leading cloud-based AP automation providers.

Episode to check out: “Automation and Efficiency with Jack McCullough of the CFO Leadership Council and Peter Taylor of Purple Innovation” | Nov. 30, 2021

leaders of modern finance

2. Financial Management Magazine Podcast

It might seem like CFOs come minted out of Ivy League schools, wizards ready to redefine business practices. Truth is, there’s a pretty steep learning curve for anyone who wants to help guide a company and its management.

Financial Management’s podcast helps ease this curve, with tips on business strategy, technology, managing possible risks, and more.

Episode to check out: “Starting up: 3 metrics entrepreneurial CFOs need to watch” | Oct. 12, 2021

3. Ask a CFO

If the standard podcast episode is like a blog post, here’s a podcast that’s more like a tweet. For people who might not have 30 minutes or an hour each day to listen to a corporate finance podcast – and many in the industry simply will not have that time to spare – host James Vanreusel typically offers four to seven-minute podcasts.

The episodes are tightly focused, based on questions that listeners send in on everything from financial planning and analysis to mergers and acquisitions. Overall, the podcast is a great way to quickly engage with a Wall Street veteran like Vanreusel, while learning a little more with each episode.

Episode to check out: Diving into the Employee Tax Credit” | Oct. 25, 2021

4. PYMNTS Podcasts

PYMNTS.com is like an encyclopedia for the payments industry, covering everything from consumer-focused topics to fintech to accounts payable innovations. As such, the focus of its podcast might often be a bit beyond what a CFO might want to listen to, though it sometimes provides content that will be very apropos.

For a CFO or other business leader trying to stay informed, the PYMNTS Podcasts homepage is worth regularly checking out, even if must-listen podcast episodes for the corporate finance world might be less frequent.

Episode to check out: “B2B Payments Digital Makeover Must Include Clearing Payments Processing ‘Blind Spots’” | June 29, 2021

5. Strategic Financial Leadership Podcast

A parade of business figures have made their way through this podcast. In fact, it appears to be popular enough that host Steve Coughran, a former CFO, has an application form on his podcast’s homepage for anyone who’d like to be a guest.

Like other podcasts here, a wide range of topics are covered in the episodes, with guests looking at current and evolving business and finance trends.

Episode to check out: “Navigating the Odds of Your Startup Venture with Tom Eisenmann,” a Harvard Business School professor | Sept. 21, 2021

6. Count Me In

Courtesy of the Institute of Management Accountants, the Count Me In podcast “brings you the latest perspectives and learnings on all things affecting the accounting and finance world, as told by the experts working in the field and the thought leaders shaping the profession,” according to its website.

Topics covered on the podcast include, among others, technology, data analytics – an ever-burgeoning field of importance in accounts payable – and leadership strategies.

Episode to check out: “Stacey Ashley – High-Performance Leadership” | Jan. 10, 2022

elements of a great corporate finance podcast

7. CFO Thought Leader

Change isn’t always an easy conversation in business, especially if it brings disruption, but it’s nevertheless critical. For companies looking for tactical ways to implement changes, CFO Thought Leader offers a wealth of information.

With a tagline “The Future of Finance is Listening,” the podcast offers up a cavalcade of interviews with different thought leaders within the CFO world who are helping to or have implemented changes at their respective companies. It’s good food for thought in changing times.

Episode to check out: “Never Waste a Crisis | Jean Lavigueur, CFO, Coveo” | date unknown

8. HBR IdeaCast

Most of the podcasts on this list come from industries or industry publications such as PYMNTS.com. For a change of pace, here’s one from Harvard Business Review.

Hosted by HBR senior editors Alison Beard and Curt Nickisch, the podcast comes out each week and features some of the best thinkers in management and business. The podcast is also distinguished by its extensive archives, with episodes available online dating to 2006. Some of the older episodes appear to have a sort of timelessness to them as well, with titles like “Corporate Responsibility,” “How to Manage Conflict” and “Picking the Right Transition Strategy.”

Episode to check out: “To Get Ahead, You Need Both Ambition and Humility” | Jan. 11, 2022

9. CFO Yeah! By CFO Connect

In contrast to the previous podcast, here’s one that much newer. The product of a site that’s essentially an online and offline connector for CFOs, CFO Yeah! by CFO Connect is another podcast with a steady supply of industry leaders ready to offer their expertise.

The podcast just launched in 2020, so it’s still getting up to speed, though it’s already featured companies like Overlay Analytics, Moju, and GOODIEBOX. It’s a podcast worth keeping an eye on as it evolves into another roundtable for CFOs to digitally share knowledge and help listeners grow.

Episode to check out: “Raising Funds and Entering Hypergrowth During a Pandemic, with Pedro Barros of Remote” | December 2021

10. Morgan Stanley Ideas Podcast

This might be the most broadly-focused of the podcasts here and calling it a corporate finance podcast might stretch things a little, at least for someone who listens fervently. Many of the episodes in the most recently-available season appear to be more consumer focused, with topics like co-living and bioplastics.

The podcast makes this list both for the sake of variety and because some pertinent content for CFOs is also in the mix. Episodes that might be of interest for the C-suite business and finance crowd include ones that look at how satellites are being used for data analysis and how Sweden is making strides toward potentially being a cashless society.

Episode to check out: “No Cash On Hand” | March 18, 2019

Finding a Good Corporate Finance Podcast: Choose One that Makes Your Life Better

As we noted earlier, the best corporate finance podcasts leave their listeners better off. Better informed. Better prepared for the next trend waiting to shape the world of corporate finance. And better connected to a wide range of subject matter experts.

There’s a huge number of corporate finance podcast episodes waiting to be listened to, maybe more than a person can get through in the foreseeable future. All a person has to do is find one that’s right for them.

See if Stampli’s Leaders of Modern Finance is the best corporate finance podcast for you.

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